Sunday, December 5, 2010

Zynga Games

Zynga and its online games have quietly taken over people’s time and money. Especially with social networking sites like Facebook, the game company has cashed in with their games being linked up to those accounts. The basic gameplay allows for anyone to get into the game quickly and easily. With that many people on those sites, the chances of people of playing these games are really high. There are many reasons why people play these games. Since it is online, many people communicate and play with their friends. The games have become virtual worlds due to people working together in the games.
The idea of social capital comes into play as well. For the players, getting more and more items/rewards means a higher status within the game. They can even publish their achievements as news on their social profiles. Another aspect I found very interesting was the though process of sending gifts over the games. In some ways, there are a good gesture other people but it could have a deeper reason. People, sometimes, do not have time to get into contact with their friends and family. Through these games, they connect with them by giving them virtual gifts to keep up their relationships. The prices for these gifts are cheap as well. They do not usually go for more than couple of bucks. Due to that, Zynga is able to get more money from selling these special items.
One of the issues that were brought of the game was the immense spamming the games have. Because of the ads within the game to create revenue, they are certain ads that are scams. With all of the constant playing, some of players will experience those moments. Additionally, other people dislike anyone who constantly spams their rewards. There could be negative social problems between and everyone else.
From playing these games, I was strangely addicted to these games. I played Framville, Frontierville, and ESPN College Town. All of the games were easy to pick up as all the rules and controls are simple. Even though with the simplicity, I kept on playing. Did anyone else felt that quietly enjoyable experience of playing these games?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, definitely. I, too, didn't get a thrill that I would get from playing hardcore games while playing Frontierville, but was able to find myself constantly playing and checking into the game. The game is quite addicting. Maybe it's because the game is pressure-free.
