Tuesday, October 26, 2010

distance between reality and dream.

As young grows up to old, one of the fantasies they have is at workplace. It's especially even more true to people who get a job at place where they wanted to work from young times. Examples are not hard to find; people quit their job in search for 'true' work, even for those who works at place people envy, such as IB (investment banking), Fortune 100 companies and Game programmer*

*In my opinions, artists are only job that do not regret becoming one.

Rockster Wives' complaints means a lot of things. As with EA Spouse (obviously a parody of EA Sports), it exposed the working conditions of programmers, which is, to simply put, BAD. As from the article, 'at least 88% is white, male, and young' and they are essentially sucking up their youth.

As also from the article, no wonder their turnover rate is extremely high. their life has no personal values, no future is being promised, and no power to change their future.as it says, they have 'little political leverage' to change it.

It is also important that because of these harsh workplace environment, no women are choosing the world of programming as their first choice. Lack of women creates unbalanced game (in terms of sex), unbalanced workplace and makes their workplace undesirable. This is classic downward spiral, which will create unbalances even more and more.

My opinion is that, they have to fight to create better environment by creating union, thus try to acquire better payment and hours, working conditions and etc. Also, the company also honors them as a human being rather than a program-mer, and change the culture within it.

What else could be done to improve their working condition, and, ultimately, better games?

1 comment:

  1. I think they just need to make the issue more known. It was a wife that came fourth with the complaint, which means that the workers weren't going to say anything. If they get the issue out in the open than the problem can have a better chance of being resolved
