Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tough day @ The office

I know several people including myself who thought that people who worked for Video game Companies were living the life and had a dream job. Apparently this is not the case at all, the article written by Nina B focuses on this subject within the company Rockstar who have produced such games as "grand theft auto" and "max payne." The problem came to light when a workers spouse came forth with claims that there was unpaid overtime, depression, physical suffering, and lack of raises. This all resulted in a 14.9 million dollar suit that the spouse, worker, and other co-workers received. Later in the article the game red dead redemption is bought up and it is shown that these issues had arisen with this project. The issue of race within the workplace is also bought to light, when it is shown that most workers within these companies are white heterosexual males.
Ultimately i was very intrigued by the article, because i would have never thought that work for a video game company could be so rough. It goes to show that you never know what is going on behind the scenes.

Question: Will this issue within companies such as Rockstar be more known within the public....and why does this happen within these companies?

1 comment:

  1. I believe it should be more open to public. It's nothing different then exposing dirty workplace's environment in Walmart or something.
