Sunday, October 3, 2010

Game Rules

Chapter 5 of Neilsons book titled "video game aesthetics," goes into details and explains the concept of game rules and game balance. Neilson also talks about how video games evolving have played a role in this aesthetics being an important concept in video game culture.
Neilson begins the chapter by explaining rules that apply to video games, he starts with the idea of Geography and represntation, he then talks about the types of rules that exists within games. He says "as with Frasca, we find a distinction between rules that determine processes, and rules that relate to the outcome of the game."Neilson then talks about a very important element in games which is game balance, this enables every player that partakes in the game the oppurtunity to have the same chances of winning or getting the high score. Neilson, later in the chapter discusses the dimensions and perspective of games and how they have evolved over time.

This chapter discusses elements that are vital to video games, game rules and game balance are the base for which a game can be built on. Honestly who would want to play a game that didn't have justifiable rules, who would want to play a game that didn't consist of proper game balance. An example of a game that exhibits game balance could be racing games. Within these racing games we may find different types of vehicles with different speeds and different stirring, but in all each person must have the equal opportunity to win the race despite what vehicle they pick.

Ultimately i enjoyed reading this chapter and i feel that Neilson did a good job of explaining how and why these concepts are vital to video games.

Question:Have you ever experienced a Video game without proper game balance and rules? If so how did you feel about this game?

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