Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Video game aesthetic and Game audio

In the chapter 5, many important aspects like space, off-screen space, time, graphical style and game audio are mentioned. It was very interesting that game could be divided into these various types of aspects. I think there will be more aspects coming by the advance of graphic technology. Some kind of graphic aspects would be out-dated and gone in the future. But there is nothing that can replace the part of game audio. Game audio, and music are very important. Imagine that you play horror games like resident evil, and silent hill without music, you will never be scary by the scene of the game. However, gamers don’t actually pay attention to game audio. In the book, it says “game audio is broad and tradition of ignoring the audio side of audio-visual media….sound has received extremely limited attention to its importance”. I found that sentence very convincing. It is fact that gamers usually talk about graphic, play, rules and stories but not music. Gamers usually don’t consider the game audio very interesting, because it is hard to recognize.

When I was playing FF6, I found a great music, and wanted to listen whenever I wanted, however there was no specific way to get the music. There was no official music CD released by the Game Corporation at that time. I had to play game to listen to the music.  However, today, many of game music are officially released by the game corporation. It is very enjoyable to listen whenever we want.  Even more surprisingly, Square Enix started to hold orchestra for final fantasy music since the success of Final fantasy 7.  In Japan, some popular idols have been singing a game music. The one of the most successful game music in Japan was the Final fantasy 10 ost. it seems that the game music deserves to be listened by many people since the music is very good. and well-made. also It explored new game market with the music.

Here you can see the real orchestra playing FF 10 music with popular singer.

Here’s my question. Do you think that there will be many of game music generating great amount of revenue for Game Corporation in the future? If so, what game do you think it will make? or do you have any great game music that you want to share with us?

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