Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Juul Chapter 2 & 5

Juul compares the casual gamer to the hardcore gamer. The stereotype is that the two groups of players are totally different in terms of fiction preference (positive or negative), amount of game knowledge, time willing to invest, and attitude towards difficulty, when in reality, they are more similar than they appear. Hardcore gamers are seen to like negative games (in terms of storyline, e.g., war games), have high game knowledge, like difficult games, and invest a large amount of time to gaming. The stereotypical casual gamer is the exact opposite, but interviewed casual players spend a large amount of time playing, prefer more difficult games, and exhibit high game knowledge.

The mimetic interface in games like Guitar Hero and in the Wii System brings together all different people to play the game. Usually very little kids wouldn't be able to play games involving the regular game controllers, but with the Wii, kids can catch on quickly. It's also a completely different experience playing, because even though the actions aren't 100% the same as in real life, mimicking gives the feel of actually playing a guitar or swinging a bat.

Do you believe in the classical stereotype of casual gamers vs hardcore gamers, or Juul's argument that they aren't that different?


  1. I personally don't believe in the classical stereotpe of causal/hardcore games. As I mentioned on my blog entry, I really think the casualness/hardcoreness of the game all depends on who plays the game.

  2. I also don't believe everyone fits in the typical stereotpye since there are acually many grey areas in between. One person can be emotionally negative after playing a game that he/she plays only for the first time.

  3. Juul defines the concept as if it is two sides of the same coin. These two concepts should be viewed as the extremes on a spectrum. The classical stereotype are not suitable in present day gaming with all the revolutionary concepts and play style. Mimetic games, for example, are more family based, such as Wii games. People dedicate many hours on it doesn't mean they are hardcore gamers.

  4. I was reading your article and wondered if you had considered creating an ebook on this subject. Your writing would sell it fast. You have a lot of writing talent. juul
