Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Before reading this article i didn't think i had any knowledge as to what Machinima is, after further review i've come to realize that not only do i know what Machinima is but that i use it quite often when i play Video Games that can be seen as challenging. Lowwod breaks down Machinima in respect to WOW, although im not familiar with the game i feel that Lowwod did a good job of giving examples of Machinima, and also showcasing its origins. Lowood also gives us readers reasons for increasing participation and popularity of machinima in the Video Game culture. He uses examples of pioneers such as JuniorX and Daddar to show how these videos came about.

Personally i use Machinima myself quite often. Whether its for pure entertainment or help that i need with a game ive used it on several occasions. With todays technology and Youtube, we are connected with other gamers on a daily basis. Through these websites other gamers can showcase how to take on acertain situation within a game, or they can showoff their talents by putting up a high score, or showing how fast they can beat a game. Whenever i really need help with a game i will use Machinima myself to figure out how it can be passed, compared to early years in Gaming when strategy guides and other sources where needed we can now use Machinima. In all Machinima can be seen as an art form of creativity from different gamers, it can also be seen as a way of people showcasing their talents, but more than both of tose machinima can been seen as a way for gamers to help other gamers.

Question: Do you see Machinma as a helpful tool? and if so how?

1 comment:

  1. Randall: you make an excellent point that gamers are now connected with each other on a daily basis. It sounds like you're also saying that machinima is a medium that creates these connections, or makes existing connections stronger. Have you ever felt like a part of a community of gamers when you watch machinima? do you feel like you know any of the people who make and broadcast it, even in a fairly superficial way?
