Thursday, September 9, 2010

Modern game character creators, not very creative indeed.

this very article I found from The Border House describes how a lot of different games share almost same characters in their game: white male, and many of them are bald. Albeit the fact that not all of them are main characters, it still strikes me as shocking pattern;

Is there racism within game exists? I would like to cover that topic sooner or later, because whether they want or not, in their heart people usually  draw or like to recognize what they are familiar with. Hopefully I can find more articles on this.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading a blog about racism in video games as well:
    According to the blog, the consensus seemed to yield that racism does, indeed, exist in video games. However, I personally think developers do this as a marketing strategy. They exploit certain stereotypes to appeal to the masses. For example, most popular war games focus on eliminating German Nazis or Arab terrorists. Take a step back from the issue at hand. Are video games actually racist or are they depicting certain events from our world’s history? I think war games are becoming too cliché by supplying the player the perspective of a certain side (The Americans). Imagine the controversy that would result in a war game where the player played as an Arab terrorist. However, if it was an American terrorist, things might be ok.
