Sunday, October 24, 2010

Allure Of Social Games

The article begins by exploring the reasonings for why people are turning away from television and moving towards video gaming. Some of these reasons include interaction, people when watching television are not interacting with what their watching where as with a video game a person is actually playing and interacting with what they are seeing. the article then goes onto explain the aspects of social gaming and how video games can help people to form friendships. The main point of the article being that television is slowly moving towards the back of the line in this new age.
I personally used to watch alot more television but with new innovations like DVR where you can simply record what you want and watch it at any time, there really is no reason for me to have my television on that often. Id much rather play a video game online with my friends because it allows to contact and talk with them while having fun playing a video game.
The article then goes on to talk about how focus within video games in this day and age do not allow for people to focused on anything else than what game they are playing. I find this to be very interesting and also true because when i play games that require all my attention i get so lost in the game that everything else around me is irrelevant. This is very much unlike television when watching you can multitask and focus on other things like be on social networking sites or do homework. Games simply just demand for all of its audiences attention.
In conclusion i dont think necessarily that television is dead, but i do believe that video gaming is tremendously moving forth within technologies that people use. At one point it may complete be ahead of television because video gaming is still evolving and hasn't reached its full potential yet, where as television has become pretty limited in its possibilities.

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