Sunday, October 31, 2010


From a previous standpoint I had about first person shooters and to other video games, it was just about entertainment. It brought people together to have some fun for awhile. I remember how much my cousins and their friends would spend hours playing Goldeneye together. Also, I enjoyed games that were placed in the World War II setting as I liked playing through the historical context of the game space. Now I could see how these games have player space as well. Due to the advancements in video gaming, I could see how first person shooter games are used for training by the military. Since it is impossible to train soldiers with live simulations, video games are safe way to help train for real combat. It emulates real life situations with these games especially with the shooters that are set in the modern era. With multiplayer and online interactivity, players communicate with each other to strategize to win like they to do in gaming tournaments.

My first experience with America’s Army was when I was watching G4 where there was a show that two teams faced each other. I see how the teams had to work together to get to win the matches. As I play these games, I can see myself trying to survive as much as I can while picking off enemies. When it is really needed, I try to talk with teammates on what is lacking. I could see how games like these are used for training. Modern combat has all of those aspects. However, I wonder how well the training could be with certain people. Do first person shooters really make people more adept with weapons?


1 comment:

  1. I personally believe that first person shooters can indeed make people more adept with weapons. Your hand-eye coordination improves when avidly playing these games. In addition, your level of focus is also keen.
