Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bye Bye You Stupid Box.

Perhaps one of the most important things that were made painfully obvious by Watkins is that TV is dead. RIP. Finito. Done.

Well, maybe not quite but still. Every year, more and more young people are rendering the TV completely irrelevant as they watch their shows online, on their phones or wherever else you can think of. Gone is the model of watching where the family gathers together in front of the magic box and spends an afternoon staring at it. While on one hand that has definitely something to do with the fact that there is only a handful of thing actually worth watching on TV - the rest is garbage - but there is a more interesting and dominant factor. Lack of interactivity. 

As the article shows, young people want not only to be fed information and stories but they want to take an active role in shaping the experiences they are exposed to, which is not something the TV is capable of delivering. Why sit and mindlessly watch TV when you can pick up a console and have the same level of excitement (infinitely more actually) while playing your favorite shooter? Honestly. With the level of the shows out there, you have a much better chance of being interested, intrigued and surprised by video games anyways so why even bother? 

Personally, the only reason I bought a TV was so i can hook it up to my Xbox and thus play games with it. I never even hooked it up to the cable outlet even though that's also available. I stream online videos through it from my computer or play games on a 360 - never actually watch the channels out there. I look for horrors, I have Dead Space. I look for action - I have Mass Effect, I look for sports, I have FIFA.. adventure? Don't even get me started. 

It's my opinion through experience that TV has become completely irrelevant and obsolete. News, opinions, ideas, emotions, fun.. I can get all that through other, better outlets - TV is done. And it will remain useless until it can provide something more than just 500 channels of garbage.

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