Sunday, October 31, 2010

Combat Game Goes Too FUN for Military?

After reading A.G. Sulzberger's article about how the military banned the sales of the newest Medal of Honor in their facilities because it allowed players to participate in the Afghanistan conflict as a Taliban fighter I must admit I started laughing hysterically. LOL. Personally, the US army is full of shit. They talk about how they are all about peace on Earth and protecting the greatest country in the world (LOL) and all they do is get involved  with conflicts that have nothing to do with and then they cry about it. First of all, if you are all about peace and protection, why not dissolve the army and all go into the Peace Core? Quit pretending like ur something more than a bunch of blood thirsty morons who got guns to play with. Ok, sorry. Back to the topic. I found it extremely funny that the army praises CoD and MoH as games with unparalleled realism that can be used to recruit people to the army, but that's only ok as long as you represent the the right option and you fight for the US. IF, GOD (lol) knows why, the video game is actually realistic and represents the real life ability to pick a side, a true democratic principle, then there is a problem. No moral problems or regrets with pumping young kids with games full of guns and blood and violence as long as it's directed the right way. Suprisingly they let COD2 slide with the airport level (which also had an option of turning it off im sure because of the military cry of how now right it is to be able to kill US civilians).. Nothing wrong with killing Taliban civilians tho, right?

How about we realize that the game is fun with that particular choice and as such should be further praised for it's realism, not be banned. Recognize that you need to do more than just talk about democracy and whatever else shit you got in store, and actually let people choose. If I was ever to get that game I hope there is an option to play the entire campaign as a Taliban soldier and end up assaulting Washington or something. Ya, is that too much? IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME. Calm down military. I'm not anti-American, pro-terrorist, pro-communism, Marxist or whatever else you can call someone who disagrees with you. I'm just PRO-GAMES. Let the game be the game and don't read into it. Pick a side and don't bitch about someone else picking the opposite. OH, and don't cry about your friends getting shot in the head - what did you think was gonna happen in real-life combat? Want your friends intact, pick a different profession MR. BAD ASS SOLDIER.

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