Saturday, October 23, 2010

Female raiders: Don’t forget to fly under the radar

(An article from "The Border House, the link is:

After done reading its article, I just can't comprehend; 'some guild just won't accept female players.' REALLY? In my every experiences I had in every MMORPG, none featured such a vulgar sexual harassment nor these nasty actions.

While I understand 'If dog bites you, it's not a news; if you bite dog, it's news' concept, sometimes I almost feel like those news are overly exaggerating and attention-grabbing. I do understand if you want a more skilled player or more experience player in your guild/clan and therefore have some tests to set up such things; but male-only guild? I just simply cannot understand.

It is human nature to be attracted to other sex, and I have not had opposite experiences at all, where they will just hate each other and kick it away. Actually, what I have seen was female-only guild, as it is how it usually goes in society.

In Korea, we have 'Ministry of Health, Welfare, Gender Equality and Family', but in Korean language, it reads 'Ministry of Women'. I would like to, first, state that while I support gender equality movement, I also believe it's somewhat wrong and unfair for have a such a department within the government it actually is named 'Ministry of Women' without having counterpart of it.

That being said, I am against ANY movement that is only one-sex organization; it obviously will lack social skills and/or ability to play/live through game AND the real world.

My question is, do you think it would (one-sex only guild/clan) enhance the ability of them? do you know any incidents as such? are you against it or in favor of it?


1 comment:

  1. No I don't think that a one sex clan will enhance the ability of them. The sex of a person does not and should not determine the skill sets of a person. Sterotypes reinforce specific skill sets for males and females, but being the intelligent humans that we are, there are plenty of men who do "womenly jobs" better than "man jobs" and visa-versa. I am pretty sure that if you have five fingers on a hand and can move them, any individual no matter the gender can pull a trigger, swing a sword, punch, etc. What is all boils down to is do you have the guts and skills to do all of those things, not do you have the right bodily part to carry through a certain task...if you know what I mean.
