Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Elimination of TV

Watkins' article "We Play" talks about the reasons behind the decreasing demand of television in the society today. According to Watkins, people in this generation are spending more time and money on video games. "...young men ages eighteen to thirty-four, were spending 33 percent more time playing games compared to a year earlier" (p105). He also mentions that interactive enterainment like internet and video games are more attractive to young adults than televisions.

To many people today, video games are more attractive because interecting with each other is less boring than just sitting there and watching televisions (p106). To game players, the interacting and participating parts are the most attractive. It is maybe that the time goes faster when playing games because they required fully participations, wheras televisions do not required any interactions which can make people feel very bored.

This phemonenon also explains why social games like Wii Sports are more acccepting and demanding in the market today than games that required less interactions. Besides just video games, online serves like facebook or game server, WoW, are also very interactive and attractive to people today. "A frequent user of Facebook logs on several times to stay connected to people she knows and sees regularly. By contrast, a user of WoW tends to draw excitment from interacting with people he may only know in the online universe. The Facebook user goes online not to escape her off0line life but rather to engage and enrich her off-line life. Every so often the WoW user visits the virtual planet in order to gain momentary relief from his off-li e life, seeking, instrad, to enruch his online life" (p122). Although both Wii Sports and WoW are both considered very popular and social games, the players' or users' atttitudes purposes when using them are very different.

Question: What makes a popular game? What is your purpose of using website like facebook or playing games like WoW?

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