Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nielsen continues on in this chapter to discuss the importance of sound and music in games. He explains that these two elements "enhance" the gaming experience and pull emotions out to the surface from the player. Music has a unquie effect on people because it can pull a range of emotions almost instantly based off of different tunes and melodies. Nielsen describes the importance of sound and music by creativly stating that "sound and music is used as the glue that ties together different shots." So, even though the images projected onto the screen are constantly changing, the music is constant.

I completely agree with Nielsen because based off of the different tunes of music, I can tell what is about to happen from the type of music being played. For example, in the game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, there are certain parts where the music is calming which makes me feel comfortable and at ease, but as I continue on into other parts of the game and enter different villages, the music can turn dark in which I know my defenses are going up and I may have to battle something in order to defend myself. In this video below, the first part of the clip plays music all the way up until 3:25 that is very uplifting and makes me feel like I am in a safe and welcoming village. However, from 3:25 to 4:17 I would begin to feel a bit anxious and nervous based on the lack of music and the silence. All you hear are gusts of wind and random screaming from the distance. To be honest, it really freaks me out. Then, at 4:45 you hear a tune that I recognize because it is played every time he transforms from adult Link to child Link. The repetition of that music being played every time Link transforms has built a certain association, so if I was not looking at the screen I would know exactly what was going on. All in all, when first watching this clip I went from happy to scared to neutral. Within a matter of minutes my emotions ranged from one extreme to another.


Do you agree that your emotions can change drastically in such a short period of time all because of music or do you believe that there are other elements that contribute to how players feel throughout playing a game?

1 comment:

  1. Music is definitely a big one. It can really change the mood from easy going/life is good to "oh my god is that a zombie?" like in your example. But I think the game storyline has to be really good in order to really change emotions, at least for me. If a character dies all of a sudden and the music changes and it's supposed to be really sad, but the storyline is extremely bad, I probably wouldn't feel change in emotion.
