Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Live and enjoy - literally.

Are you happy with your life? I am not suggesting that you quit your life now - but what if you could start new one? you may look different than you are.. .but who cares! you never have to be on diet; you can buy all the clothes you want (except some games) and you get to meet cool people just as cool as you are!

I used to persuade my friends into WoW with catch phrase such as those above. Of course, the real life rocks! nothing compares to this, but there are many people enjoying their 2nd life in online. In fact, it is not so nerdy anymore that you own a character and you assimilate yourself into it.

Take for example of myself and my buddies. It has been more than 15 years now from Ultima Online to Ragnarok Online, WoW and many other games that we literally lived another life in the online world. I, personally made many friends and met them offline and still talk to them once in a while.

(First picture is Ragnarok Online, whereas Second one is WoW.)

what is the differences, then, the real-life communities and online communities? interestingly enough, where it seems no rules are present people still keep their cool intact, and try to live as their social norms would dictate them. This applies both in 'Game communities' and 'Metaculture', as Nielson puts it. In every part of not only game communities (within the game) but in Metaculture as well, unwritten and unseen rules dominate us.

Of course, it will never substitute our real life, but the tide has turned towards allowing or in some cases, encouraging them to be part of another life. Without a question, this is something very new concept, but people are thriving under it. Look at many mods that are created not even daily, but hourly!

My belated question is, then, what is the most beneficial part of being second life? which one you liked most?


  1. I think the most beneficial part of these games is just having an escape from normal life. You could hate your day job and be not the most popular person at work, but when you come home, within these games, you're basically a hero with a bunch of powers. You get to interact with people with a common interest--the game.

  2. Chan54: it really is. Especially when you were really stressed out and all, I think it really serves you as an escape route.
