Sunday, November 7, 2010

Aggressive Behavior

Chapter 10 of Neilson titled "Video games and Risks," starts off by discussing the active user perspective and also discussing the active media perspective. the chapter goes into research that was conducted on the two and says that the active media perspective "actively influences a mostly passive recipient." while the active user perspective, "refers to a school of thought that stresses the active interpretation and filtering players exhibit when playing video games." the chapter then goes into several tests that were conducted on children etc.. that tested these two perspectives, and saw what effect the game had on the player and what the player does with the game. The 2000 study Anderson and Dill found results that were interesting which found that violent games negatively effect players. later in the chapter Neilson talks about addiction within video games and says that it can seen on the same scale as psychiatric diagnosis of gambling disorder.
Personally i can relate to this article because i know how video games can effect my moods and anger and aggression. I can think back to points when i would lose a game to my friend and literally want to fight him because he beat me and talked trash. These anger issues are caused because of the games i was playing, granted some people may be more competitive than others, but it still hurts the same when you lose. Also sometimes video games can be used as a way to release aggression, i often use video games in this way.

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