Friday, November 19, 2010

ESPN's Outside the Line

I don't know if it's re-run or whatnot, but in this hour (2pm, november 19th) I was flipping through channel and I found out that Kobe Bryant, a prominent, top-of-the-level basketball player and a huge gamer, was apparently dressed up as a soldier in newest Call of Duty..or whatever the FPS game is.

I do not know if I can get a copy of it or review it later on, but I think it's really good topic especially we have just discussed this not a while ago. the so-called panelists were discussing if Kobe has any responsibility should there be one.

I'd like to watch it, but my TV is really malfunctioning (it needs good smack once in 2 minutes) and I can't really concentrate. someone can help me out here?

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