Monday, November 15, 2010

Are you Being Edutained?

In Chapter 9, Neilsen explores the depth of serious games by dividing them into sub categories known as advertainment and edutainment. What is described as a serious game? Neilsen states " in theory, any video game can be perceived as a serious game depending on its actual use and the player's perception of the game experience" (Neilsen,p. 205). Today, serious games are being categorized by their depth and meaning; having a deeper purpose other than to purely entertain.

Advertainment is a concept that means exactly how it sounds; advertising as a form of entertainment. Companies and game developers integrate brand names, commercials and others types of ads into serious games for one purpose only: sell their products. Companies are realizing that a nice percentage of their market do not watch television so advertising has to be placed where the consumer can have access. Ads are placed in many video games and many players may not even recognize the product placement.
Edutainment is another category of serious games Neilsen brings up in the chapter. Along with the self explanatory title, edutainment games have followed the same characteristics as those of the 1980s. Edutainment games are known for their extrinsic motivation, lack of integrated learning experience, drill and practice learning with no teacher involved, and very simple gameplay. Popular education games such as Reader Rabbit or Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? all follow these concepts. Is there a recent game that you have played that can be labeled under edutainment?

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