Sunday, November 7, 2010

Aggressive behaviors

     The Video Game and Risk chapter explores the risks involved with playing video games. The question was whether the violence in video games influences players to become more aggressive. During the research to find it out, there are two important terms involved, which are the active user perspective and the active media perspective. Active media perspective and the active user perspective are both discussed in a way, which provides a necessary knowledge for understanding the debate on risks both in research circle and in the general press. In the active media perspective, video games are conceived as having a direct, objective, and measureable effect on players. Ian active user perspective, which makes the opposite starting point has over the last ten years increasingly challenged this tradition. According to the reading, the study of dangers in connection with games remains a key research avenue, as it continuously receives massive media attention, and is still an arena of heavy controversy. According to the reading, active media proponent concludes that exposure to violent video games is significantly linked to increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreases in helping behavior. Whereas, active use proponents state that many scholars believe that trying to understand the media’s impact on human development through laboratory measurements and other numerical methods is inherently flawed (Nielsen 225).
    I agree with both the media perspective and user perspective. However, I am more learn towards active user perspective because I also believe that video games is very closely linked to increase in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreased in helping behavior as what Nielsen stated. 
    This is a Youtube clip about aggressive gamers. By the way, this clip contains inappropriate language. Since I’ve seen many people who turned violent or aggressive due to video games as I grew up, I know video games have strong impact on gamers. Other point I am concerning with negative influences by video games is that not all video games make players violent. Only the violent games like GTA, Counter-Strike, etc causes aggressive behaviors; whereas, non-violent games mostly puzzle games, don’t really cause aggressive behaviors.

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