Sunday, November 7, 2010

In Medias Usres

Horrendously punny titles aside, this chapter about video game risk focused largely upon the types of studies used to... well... study possible adverse effects of games on gamers. There are two main types of study: the Active Media and Active User perspectives.

The Active Media perspective is the one that is often taken when one says that video games cause violent behavior. Active Media studies the effects on different types of games on a player, with the philosophy that the type of game being played has an impact on the resulting risky behavior of the gamer.

The Active User perspective is just the opposite - its philosophy is that the users are the ones who determine the resulting risk, not the type of game. Context is the major focus of the Active User perspective, and studies from this viewpoint question how people think about the games they play.

Which do you think has the bigger impact on game-related risk? Is it the game, or is it the player?

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