Sunday, November 7, 2010

Game Violence... Not the real problem

Nielson discussed about risks and unwanted harmful effects that comes with video gaming. He includes studies and researches that centered on the question: “Can violent video games make a person more aggressive?” It would seem absurd that anyone would suggest this question with no basis of reasoning. The truth is, games such as Grand Theft Auto series, Mortal Kombat, God of War series, and many others demonstrates dramatized and excessive gore and sexual explicit scenes and innuendos. Gamers argue that these are games and reality is separate. However, behavioral psychologists that one’s environment (in this game, the games) has a significant effect on how a person acts and behaves in the long run. One of theories suggested that I find most believable was the general arousal theory. The theory basically states that a person gets aroused as they are become more and more emotionally engaged in the activity they are participating. I can honestly confess that I do get angry when I play video games, especially when I am losing. My reasoning isn’t that fact that the games I play are violent but because of the competitive human nature that most if not all of us have inside us. Losing is something that no one likes and it is fair, in my opinion, to be angry when a person is about to lose or lost. Given this premise, it is fair to say that any sort of activity can bring out anger. Does this mean that competitive sports are bad for kids? Not only have the kids got upset over a lost but also the parents.

In conclusion, there is no conclusion. The idea that black listing violent video games is absurd. Without in-depth research on specific games or game styles and the long term effect on a person’s behavior, there will be no scientific way to make such a bold claim. If anything should be researched then it would be, “why are some games more addicting than others?” Addicting games such as World of Warcraft has proven to be problem in many parts of the world. Teenagers and adults are suffering from video game addiction and it has been reported on the news. However, did you ever hear someone decided to murder another person because they played God of War III?

Here is something to ponder on: Korean parents starved their real child while raising a virtual baby online.

And my question is: What do you think attributes to the “addictive-ness” in games such as WoW or any other game you feel appropriate under this umbrella of games.

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