Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An article from BorderHouse.


This article discusses how some Japanese men are dressing up as women and how it is a trend.

I define myself as conservative in moral issues but liberal in economic issues, this is not the news I wanted to see, along with the legalization of marijuana in more states (that I discussed in other classes), but the more shocking part, as a direct quote from the blog:

"How on earth is this video game news?  ”Hey everyone, there is this Japanese manga artist who likes to wear women’s clothing as a hobby – isn’t that weird?”  The article only briefly mentions his mother (a famous manga artist who drew Candy Candy), and doesn’t at all mention his skills as an artist."

 As the comments provided in the website really sums up greatly, they 'greatly undermine' gender identity and the basic values that human have.*

*i apologize for those who support LGBT movements, and I would also like to add that I do have friends that are LGBT and I treat them no different than I would have treat others.

There once was an incident in South Korea as well, that one guy dressed up as a women and asked for a date in a website (he did say that his gender is male) and then did received too much hate/love mail that he had to hide himself.

What are your thoughts on it? Am I too conservative?

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