Sunday, November 7, 2010

Video Game Effects

In Chapter Ten, the possible harmful effects that video games can have on users are discussed. The games that are specifically talked about are from the mature genre. Grand Theft Auto series and Mortal Kombat are examples of games that have been very controversial due to their content which have players doing violent actions. The general feeling is that violent video games cause aggressive behavior in players. There are two perspectives that were mentioned about this: the active media and the active user perspectives. The active media thought is how the media itself affects the ones who view it. The active user thinking is how the user takes that exposure of media as in this case, while playing games. In most cases that they found, researchers found that video games did cause more aggressive behavior to those who play it.

Also, the chapter talks about the theories that could be applied to this. One of the theories that I took high notice of was the general arousal theory. The reason is that I would see myself in that situation. When I am really into the game, I become highly emotional. I can be extremely happy or extremely angry depending on what happens. It has gone onto other activities especially when there is a level of competition. For example, when I play sports, I am positive when things go well. However, when comes to having trouble performing, I get down myself really badly. Is there people that you guys know who get highly emotional playing games or you yourself can be?



  1. I know one guy who is really emotionally involved when playing game. he is really hardcore player. when he lose a match within game, he very easily got mad at the game, I know that he threw remote, and broke, and he even broke the controller. He has good personality unless he plays some games. He just becomes very insane when playing game. He tended to take every single things in game very seriously, so unfortunately, nobody around him wanted to play with him now.

  2. I have few friends who get really emotional when playing StarCraft. Whenever they lose the match, they get angry and anxious. One of the common things that I found between those friends is that they are all very good at playing Starcraft. On the other hand, those friends who are not so good at playing the game don't really get emotional because they just see the game as a game. However, those who are good at playing Starcraft think of Starcraft more than a game. They have prides in themselves. I guess it is that pride in themselves that make them feel emotional when losing a video game.
