Monday, November 8, 2010

Video Game Violence vs. Video Game Competitiveness

Researchers are convinced to show the media that video games users develop a sense of hostility and aggressiveness when it comes to playing violent video games. In chapter 10, an Active Media proponent uses laboratory studies to conclude;

"...exposure to violent video games is significantly linked to increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreases in helping behavior".

Although the research that was conducted my be true, these are effects that come into play in any competitive game or sport. When people play games, their competitive nature pushes them to be more aggressive based on the intensity of the game along with the willingness to win. If researchers believe that video game violence helps create real world violence, then why not target cable televison or pg-13 movies?

I've watched plenty of my friends play video games like HALO and get into the competitive nature, which may include some yelling, swearing and occasional name calling. These are all considered healthy components of competition, i doubt it creates the urge for young teens and adults to simulate the violence they see in games.

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