Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gold Farming

The novel is based around the story of 3 people, who are all connected through the gameplay of MMORPGS. Wei-dong(leonard) who is from Los angeles and obsessed with video gaming, he ends up joining the webblies who are a union of workers who want to better pay and to unite illegal game players and help oppressed players like the other 2 people within the story his connection with Matthew Fong leads him to runaway from home and attempt to join him, like Mala( general robotwallah) who is a fifteen year old game player who takes place in battles over the internet, she works in terrible conditions and is in charge of a virtual army in India. She also works for Mr.Banerjee who pays her attack other gamers along side her friend Yasmin. Then you have Matthew Fong from south china and he wants to develop his own gold farming business, yet he is constantly harassed from his boss.He quits a sweatshop he was working at, and tries to make a living selling to lazy players.

Being that im not much of a gamer beyond, sports game and some RPG's, i had never had any experiences with gold farming or even knew what it was, however reading into the novel has really increased my knowledge about gold farming. Which is where people play games for hours and rack up on virtual goods and sell it to other gamers who want to level up or are to lazy to do the work in exchange for real money. This was a very interesting concept to me and i found myself looking further into the subject and trying to find out exactly why and how it takes place.

What are your experiences with Gold farming?


  1. Ok good I'm glad someone else had no idea what this concept was either. I have had no experience with gold farming and I do not understand why people invest so much time and effort into something like this. It just doesn't seem like a stable form of income and I can imagine it becoming really stressful after some time.

  2. Stressful and repetitive. I for once, tried to grind and farm some stuff sometimes but for myself.. and those were the worst times I had with a video game ever.. cheers to the players who can do it day after day after day..
