Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No morals are instilled in me, so remorse - I really don't feel any..

In chapter 6, Nielson concentrated on the emergent interest in video games and how those might be perceived within our culture. To most people, video games are a waste of time and they bring nothing to our lives and they definitely do not teach us anything, as they are simply a mindless form of entertainment. To others, they provide a rich, interesting, educational outlet and branching out from what TV or other entertainment has to offer. Naturally, the former are usually people who have no connection to video games, they have never experienced it or never really understood it. The latter are gamers, developers and people who actually take part in gaming.

Naturally the biggest problem with that is that there is a lack of understanding from either side and nobody tries to reach in to the opposite and explain, show or contemplate how things really are. Everyone is isolated in their little camps and they do not allow any new, outlandish opinions to enter. 

Like mentioned in class, video games are still fairly new so they often are portrayed as a scapegoat for everything that's wrong with the kids these days. Not crappy parents, bad neighborhoods, drugs and alcohol - but video games are often blamed for kids aggression. 

Ultimately and eventually we will need to sit both sides down and clearly and intelligently talk it out - this back and forth blaming and bickering can continue no longer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would agree with you that poor parenting decisions can help make matters worse here. It is often the case that people are hypocritical, stating that video games are too violent, when they, themselves, buy these games for their children. The bickering does indeed need to calm down because simply pointing fingers is not going to do anybody good. Game violence is highly subjective so if you don't want your kids to play them, then don't buy it for them.
