Thursday, September 9, 2010

Atari 2600, Magnavox Odyssey 100, and RCA Studio II from Kotaku

While searching on various game sites, I also found an article regarding Atari 2600, the first "home" videogame console, on Kotaku. Here is the link to the article. This article is similar to the article that Benjamin posted before. It is amazing to see how people used to be thrilled to play Atari 2600 just like people now enjoy Playstation 3, Xbox, and Wii. As the article describes, there aren't many things in Atari 2600. Just a board, a black cord, and a chipset. However, at the time of release in 1970s, Atari 2600 was the highest technological development. This article also put links to old game consoles such as Magnavox Odyssey 100 and RCA Studio II (You can click the name of the console to get redirected to the article).
From today's view, all these old game consoles look like a simple technology and would only provide limited experiences to a gamer, but without these inventions, the game industry would not have built at all.

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