Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mimetic Games Helping to Alleviate an Epidemic?

Whenever reading about new topics about video games, I try to relate it somehow back to society and our culture because I believe that gaming is a huge part of our society that many people overlook.

Roughly 32% of children are overweight in America, and there are many arguments out there that video games are an aid to this epidemic because children are sitting around all day. However, ever since the invention of Mimetic games it is giving children the opportunity to get up and move around while having fun and playing an interactive video game. I am posting an article below about how these two topics are interlinked and very important to the future generations of children's health.

The invention of Mimetic games like Wii Tennis for example is not only good because it leads to moving and getting the heart pumping, but it is also good because it is able to teach anyone a new kind of technique like the different ways to stroke a tennis ball and the names of all the different kinds of strokes. Unlike the traditional gaming controllers used on systems like the Xbox360, the Wii's controller is much more accurate as to what exactly is happening on the screen. People find that moving your arm to hit the ball is much more fun than hitting a button to cause the ball to be hit. For many people, mimetic games are much more entertaining and interactive, so hopefully as this type of interface continues to grow, we will begin to see some kind of decline in our obesity epidemic as well.

The question that I pose to you all is that do you really think that a gaming console that involves movement will truly help aid in the decline of childhood obesity? What about when DDR came out? That did not help with this epidemic even though this game is completely revolved around movement, so do you think sport games on the Wii console will?

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