Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hardcore player= Game addict?

Juul raises interesting discussion about the different reactions and behaviors displayed by different game players. According to Juul, some hardcore game players has negative emotions when losing a game, whereas the casual type of game players invest little in the game and dislike difficult games. However, in my opinion, hardcore players are the same as game addicts in terms of how much time players invest in certain games and the negative emotion that players will experience after losing a game, basically all the characteristics that Juul mentioned about the stereotypes of game players but the easiness of the game.

Not to mention that I used to be a hardcore game player, now I personality describe myself as a casual game player. Just as Juul points out, when a person's life is busy, he/she is less likely to spend time playing games. I know how addictive game like world of Warcraft is so I never really played it because I used to be addictive to other online games. However, not all the easy games are not addictive to people. Guiter Hero is one of the easy-to-play games that many people find it interesting, thus became addicted to it. Therefore, people who are addictive to easy game like guiter hero are also hardcore players in my opinions.

In summary, I agree with Juul that there's not an exact definition of casual players vs. harcore players. However, some theories that Juul mentioned I found it not pursuasive is that casual players play easy games and hardcore players play difficult games. Because, in my opinion, hardcore players are similar to game addicts and they can be addicted to all the games, regardless of their difficulty.


  1. Good post i can relate to the points you make and also Juul make in regards to gaming and a persons busy schedule. I myself at one time considered myself a hardcore gamer when i was younger. But once i entered high school and especially college i began to find that i didn't have enough time to invest in a game play it as often as i used to.

  2. I agree it is not always true that casual game players should only play easy games and hardcore game players should only play difficult games. There are no such rules that tells casual gamers should only play casual games, and same for hardcore gamers. Video gaming is an entertainment, where everyone has right to enjoy it. Thus, it is impossible to say that a certain type of game is only for a certain group of people.

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  4. Good post, i agree with your last sentence of your opinion. when we talk about addictive game, it doesn't really matter how difficult the game is. i think it depends on how much people get involved in it. I used be addictive to starcraft. it takes kind of long time to know how to play it. but, many of my friends have been addictive to it just like me regardless of difficulty.
