Sunday, September 26, 2010

Film & Video games

When Looking at the history of video games, there are several that had crossed over and tried to be made into actual cinematic films, and also several films that had been transformed into video games. Brookey talks about this in his text and puts his input as to why some if not most have not been very successful in there transformation into different platforms. Brookey begins the text by explaining the success of the film 300 and why it did so good at the box office. He comes to the conclusion that the success was based around the high action trailers as well as the high action and graphics that the film itself ha to offer.

Brookey then goes onto explain the drop in the box office due to DVDs and home entertainment. He also breaks down how this relates to failure of video games and film transformation, this highly because with most gaming consoles they have an previous installed dvd player that people use. This ultimately lead to the blurring of the line between video games and DVDs because they were both so closely alike.

Ultimately i believe that the reason video games and movies that have changed platforms weren't successful is because with each platform its hard to mimic the best qualities. With as much success as the Mario brothers video games had once the movie was released it was nearly impossible to simulate what the video game had. There was no possible way that the video game could be correlated to real life through a movie, the same applies to street fighter. The video game was awesome, but it was nearly impossible to translate the qualities of the video game to real life through a movie.

Question: Do you think that video games that are transformed into movies would be more succesful if the movies were animated digitally rather than trying to use real life characters?

1 comment:

  1. This is a ver interesting question. Cn you think of movies that did this successfully? Like the Final Fantasy movie? (which did not do well at the box office, despite FF having a global fanbase of devoted players who had followed the franchise for several years). Would users to be less disappointed if the film looks like the movie, even if the quality of the writing were not ideal?
