Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mimetic Gaming Chap 5.

Juul takes very interesting insight into mimetic gaming through this article. He first explains what mimetic gaming is and he then goes onto look into the success of the mimetic gaming. Through reading the article there were 3 main points that stuck out to me.
First, the idea of mimetic gaming versus regular gaming. Juul looks into why people would rather play with the wii, and actually swing the tennis racket rather than to play tennis on the xbox. Secondly, Juul looks at the idea that some people do not want to play with a regular game control with a directional pad, he raises ideas that showcase that people would actually rather simulate the motion being done in the game because it is easier and funner. Third Juul looks at the idea that mimetic gaming may not be all that realistic and easy to play. He looks at the example of slash playing guitar hero, being that slash is an actual guitarist he has trouble playing the game because it is not similar to real life.
Lastly Jull raises and interesting point when he says "the characters in wii sports move by themselves, without my input where regular tennis allows me to control the ball and turning my body." In the wii, yes you are simulating hitting the ball but everything else the computer controls, whereas playing on xbox 360 tennis you can control the spin of the ball the movement of players and etc. Also on Xbox the gaming experience is a lot better

This leads me to ask the question, Is the success of mimetic gaming because of how much more realistic it is than regular games, or is it because of how easy is it is to use??

1 comment:

  1. i think mimetic game has been successful because of both its realistic interface, and its easy way to learn, and use it. for example, Guitar Hero, it's not totally same as real guitar, but you can mimic the motion of playing guitar with only four button. in real guitar, it takes long time to get used to even 3~4codes. but, for Guitar hero, since it requires only four big buttons, people don't have to take a time to get used to it because of its easiness. this is why the mimetic gaming has been successful.
