Sunday, September 26, 2010

What makes good games and films

The convergence of films and video games is commonly used in either the game or film industry today. Although there were many failures in the past, when the technology or narratives were poor-designed to produce good films from games, or another way around, there have been many successful examples coming out in recent years through the improvement of technology and graphics. However, back to the ordinary, what makes a good movie or film is not only about the technology. Instead, the right choice of films and games, with the combination of good narratives and technology, all have outstanding in order to be successful in both industries today.

The failure of the ET game is one of the examples due to the poor graphic design back in the old times. Although the movie at the time was loved by many children, the video game portrays "ET as a two-dimensional avatar with limited expression and limited movement did little to elicit such attachment or emotion" makes it very unpopular among children. According to Brookey, "the failure of this particular video game was due to the fact that the experience of the game was far from the experience of the film," but not the narratives in the movie. (p3)

However, when many people admire 300's amazing graphics and action effect, this movie has been criticized by many people for its lack of narratives. I personally also dislike 300 because it emphasizes too much special effects, which makes the movie seem very unrealistic and most importantly, the narrative is bad.

Although the relationship between games and films have become closer along with different reasons such as the invitation of DVD's, what makes a good movie still has to do with the right choice of films and games and the combination of good narratives and technology. Some may complain when good movies never been converted into game forms since it can be disappointing to fans and losing a lot of potential money (The Dark Night on page 5), good evaluations should still be well-implemented before the movies or games come out (although I think they should always good since they can both be very costly during the making process p15).

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