Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Live Free, Die Hard

What do all video games have in common? You can either win or lose, live or die. These are some of the key features that give games its appeal to consumers. In our daily lives, we are faced with many challenges and opportunities, but our physical beings limit our options on how we face such things. In a game, you are allow to roam this virtual "universe" knowing that failing or dying may not be top priority, but it can happen without the fatal consequences in which we may face in real life. Personally, I have fun playing games knowing that if i die i will instantly be restored back to my previous checkpoint. This concept seen cool in the virtual world, but how can this affect the lives of real individuals?

Winning is important in many cultures, as well as living long and I feel that some avid game players can be discouraged or frightened by the thought. Games can provide a different world for those to explore without the physical consequences of their actions. For example, the video game "Call of Duty" simulates very detailed battles in war. These types of games show lots of killing, shooting and blood. Im sure the number of players would decrease if the game ended every time you died, similar to real soldiers at war.

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