Sunday, September 19, 2010

Narration in video games

Throughout the chapter Nielson is explaining how important narratives are to video games and how they can make or break the game. Through various use of cut scenes and player directed experiences the game can turn into a real piece of art.

Perhaps one of the most important parts to any video game is the story behind it (not counting casual games or puzzles). Personally, I believe that a great story is scarse in todays development which unfortunately results in many games with great graphics that do not make me want to move any further into the story as its so poorly developed.

In recent years, a new trend in video games has emerged that allows players to participate in so called interactive cut scenes which can change the game experience based on the choices the player makes, also more than one ending is often allowed which results in greater replayability.

Understanding just how important the story is can be crucial to the selling of the video game, as 100% of the time players fall in love with the characters or the story rather than the visuals. Nobody buys a sequel because the first game looked good.

In the end, i believe that it will be the hardcore writers and narrators that will be hired for future games, not the coders or programmers to make it look pretty.

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