Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Playing Space

Juul comes out with how the mimetic interface of certain video games and platforms are easier to play for people. Games like Guitar Hero, and Wii Sports emulate actions of real life and apply them to video games. Even though it is not same as real life, it makes the game more enjoyable as gamers are more active. Plus, they necessary do not have to remember the button scheme especially if the configuration is complicated. People can also watch others play the game, but they can learn and have fun.

As well, he refers to the magic crayon that takes away the possibilities of the players can make the game enjoyable for the player. They might not be a great tennis player but be content they are good at Wii tennis. Without the button schemes, it makes it even more enjoyable for the player.

-Vircell Dayap

1 comment:

  1. I agree with that the mimetic interface of certain video games and platform are easier to play for people than ever. It actually attracted, and brought many types of people to digital games who haven't had interest in playing game. It also doesn't require much time to know how to play. so people can easily enjoy the game with other people.
