Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Machinima is an element that I look forward to seeing throughout the video game culture. In my early stages of gaming, I would watch friends and family tackle the hardest boards on popular games like Mortal Kombat for sega genesis or Crash Bandicoot for the playstation console. I would watch their gameplay because it would hype me to play the game or it will help me learn the controls better. Now with the increse of technology, you can watch recorded gameplay online or watch people from around the world play challenging levels.

Now, I'm still a fan of machinima and the features they offer gamers. An example from experience, my first encounter with Halo was from a video movie online. It was basically highlights of gameplay, which featured some of the most amazing views and deaths that made me instantly interested in the game. I feel machinima is an active way to help bridge that gap between beginner game players and experts. The visual effects of machinima can easily attract the eyes of gamers, and is another way to get people intersted in games.

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