Sunday, September 26, 2010

Video Game and Film

There have been many films based on video games. Various types of games have been transformed into movies. for example, fighting games like Street fighter, Tekken and virtue Fighter movies were released. Countless games being spin-off were released. On the contrary, there have been many games based on the film such as Harry-Potter, Batman series, and many Hollywood movies. The convergence between film and games has been successful run. The advancement that has been made while making games on basis of film, and films on basis of game brought new revolution to game industry. 

As the writer said "video game spin-offs are often tied to the most successful films in the market and are an important tactic in the larger marketing....most profitable firms are concerned. 
Perfect example can be found in the movie "Resident Evil".  The Resident Evil by Capcom (original name was Bio Hazard) had one of the greatest selling hit when the game was released. The game was basically developed with movie-effect technology. To play the game was like playing, and watching a movie, or making a movie itself. Both new version of games and films of Resident Evil are being developed. This shows how the convergence between video games and film has influence on the game, and film industry.

However, there is still high risk on both businesses. Peter Dekom said" profit margins are shrinking across the board, because the costs of film production are rising and demands of profit are growing therefore, the business increasingly risky". There have been many failure of video game spin-offs, for example, the Tekken (recently released but, terribly failed), and Street Fighter (known as one of most weird movies in the history of film), and Final Fantasy. The gamers for those games were numerous across the world because of the popularity of those games. However, It didn't really mean that the films would be successful due to the number of gamers. 
As Tekken gamer, I have been waiting for the movie for long time, and when it was released, i tried to know how the movie is through social media such as twitter, and facebook. Everyone was like the movie shouldn't have come out. The Game developer finally got not only bad reputation, but also lost a lot of money. 

My question is this: even though the business is increasing risky, do you still think it is film worth making  based on a games?

1 comment:

  1. I think there's more pros than cons in making games out of films in the perspective of business marketing. As you know, most games that are spin-offs of films literally suck. The main reason is because the producer puts not much time, effort, and most importantly money because there aim is to get out as much as possible with the reputation of the film while not putting too much resources in making the game. Thus, from a pure perspective of marketing tool, it is worth making games based on films.
