Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Casual and Hardcore games - can they live together?

While I could discuss more towards to mimetic devices and its features, I would like to dedicate this space to discuss about how and what are the differences and my thoughts on casual/hardcore games.

As Juul describes it throughout his book (in fact, I do not know if author is male or female - my basic assumption about the author's sex is based on my previously recollected thought of 'an author about computer game must be a male', so I apologize) casual games are often and sometimes were facing some strong prejudices, such as Eric Zimmerman points out that:

"As a producer of culture, I like to think that my audience can have a deep and dedicated and meaningful relationship with the works that I produce. and the notion of a casual game implies a light and less meaningful relatinoship to the work"

(and I do believe he spoke those words in a soft terms, I still know that my friend wants to be known for his participation in major titles, not the cellphone game he was asked to be participated)

Then, what are the differences? Do I think Coexistence of casual and hardcore games is possible?

As Scott Kim brilliantly points out, "people play different types of games for different reasons. Exper gamers [synonym for players] play for the longer term rewards of competition and rankings, whereas casual gamers play for the shorter-term rewards of beauty and distraction".

For most of his claim, he is right; but do casual game players play for distraction?

Juul points out that if the casual game is too easy (example given : shopmania) then it loses its one of the main attraction : challenging. It is true for most of the 'casual games' to have easier difficulty then its counterparts, which is AAA-rated hardcore games, For most of 'casual games', the death of a main character does not lead you to serious penalty, and whereas it does randomize (name any jewel series here) to make players to challenge as much as she/he did in previuos games, it does pose a challenge. Who said that 3d Tetris was easy?

Another one that caught my eyes was that 'presence of mimetic devices'. In my opinion, mimetic devices helps you to create the environment and help users play game more easily. However, we do not use those devices for our 'halo', 'starcraft' or any other computer games that we describe as 'hardcore game' genre.

*I am excluding those flight simulators and pilot devices

Personally, I believe that while mimetic devices are very helpful and interesting, it is there to help 'casual gamers' because even in their mind when they create such devices, it is meant to draw more people into those world of 'casual gaming' and therefore we are not seeing mimetic devices in the hardcore games.

*I just imagine playing halo with some mimetic devices, and it does sound cool but it almost makes me feels like playing Wii.

My question is, that can they coexists together? moreover, just like casual games that are using hardcore game's console, do you think at someday hardcore games can use what the casual game - namely mimetic devices?

1 comment:

  1. Yes i do believe that this possible....Interesting enough there are talks of xbox 360 creating a mimetic attachment to their gaming console. I think that this will help blend the line between causal and hardcore gaming. I feel that hardcore gamers would not be interested in playing on the wii because it its self is not a hardcore gaming system.
