Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is it a Game or Film?

Both the gaming and film industry have joined forces to take over the media. For the past couple of decades, there have many films that have been created into very popular video games and vice versa. It has even come to a point where it is looked at as "mandatory" for certain film genres to create games to compliment the movie. For example, Spiderman and many of the marvel comic films have had video games come out right before a movie premier. In some cases, these games may even have a plot that resemble the movie or even have scenes right out of the film.

It is good that both the game and film industry has teamed together because not only will this create more profit, it will allow these industries to grow to even higher levels and the technology will improve in graphics and special effects. There are scenes in the video games that resemble the same amount of detail and special effects, which leads me to believe that they use similar technology.

But do all video games make good movies? Not in particular. For example, i know that Halo has come out with a couple movies but the success of these films did not come close to that of the actual game. With that, i believe certain games cannot be created into films because the plot may better if the consumer were to actually be engaged rather than to watch it.


  1. Can you guys guess which pictures are from the game and which ones are from scenes out of the movie?

  2. This is a good question! "'m guessing that the first one is from the game and the last one from the movie, but that's partly because I've seen the movie and recognize it from there. I have not played the game. You make a good point that production values are converging between the two media.

  3. I think the first and last are from video game.
